
Hritish is in your extended network

Hritish's Latest Experience

Software Engineer Intern at Unity Infotech: Worked on full-stack development on a corporate banking app for a private bank in Dubai, UAE. Used Flutter, .NET Core, and SQL Server. Also contributed to development for an online grocery ordering app for local grocery stores in Dubai, using Flutter. [May 2023 - Aug 2023]

B.S. Computing & Information Technologies at RIT: Minoring in Software Engineering, Deans List Fall 2021 - Present.
Courses: Software Development & Problem Solving, Java Object Oriented Programming, Web Applications, Engineering Secure Software, Task Automation, Database & Data Modeling, Systems Administration.
[Aug 2021 - May 2025]

[View Full Resume]

Hritish's Tech Stack

Python Java JavaScript TypeScript C++ C# Dart HTML CSS PHP Shell Script

MySQL Microsoft SQL Server MongoDB PostgreSQL

Angular React Flutter Node.js Next.js NumPy Pandas jQuery Flask Spring Boot Selenium JUnit5 Pytest Jest

Git AWS REST APIs Docker Firebase / Firestore GitLab CI GitHub Actions Linux MacOS

Hritish's Blurbs

About me:

Hello! My Name is Hritish and I'm a passionate software developer currently doing my Bachelors in Computing & IT at Rochester Institute of Technology. My interests are kinda all over the place, but I'm mainly interested in full-stack development and software engineering. I love building projects that me or my friends would like to use or that I can annoy people with, and also love spending hours automating stuff that would take me 5 minutes to do manually.

Feel free to reach out to me at my email address [email protected] or on LinkedIn.

About my Programming Experience:

I was always into computers and technology growing up, but I didn't really get into programming until I was 12 or 13. I started off with HTML when I found out I could change up stuff in websites using the Inspect Element tool in Chrome. Later on I made some questionable websites so I could share curated links to pirated games and music with my friends. (I am 100% joking here by the way, I swear.)

I learnt C++ during the summer of 8th grade, Python in school in the 9th grade, and I've been hooked ever since. Making spam bots and other stuff to annoy people and break things, and ESPECIALLY automate my school work was fun. I also wanted to make games so I got into game development with Unity and C#, and later also won third place at a game hackathon. At some point I got an ESP32 and started playing around with Arduino C and later I got back into web and app development, so yeah it's been all over the place.

So after high school, I took up Computing & IT with a minor in Software Engineering at RIT, since it covered a lot of the stuff I was interested in and wanted to learn more about including web development, software engineering as well as Networking, Databases and System Administration. I'm currently in my junior year and expected to graduate in May 2025.

About this website:

This website is a responsive recreation of one of the original MySpace profiles from like 2005. It's mostly based off of the original MySpace profile of Tom Anderson, the founder of MySpace.

Full disclosure I was like a toddler or something when MySpace was a thing, so this isn't out of pure nostalgia, but I've always been fascinated by the internet of the 2000s and the culture surrounding it (especially the retro design & aesthetic, it felt like everything was much more personal and creative before everything started turning flat & corporate), so I decided to make this website as a fun little project. It's kind of nostalgic even though it's not? If that makes any sense.

I first made this website with Next.js and Tailwind, and was deploying it as a static site on Vercel, but I felt like I was over-engineering it. (and it did not need all that JavaScript slowing it down) After considering Astro which supports static site generation (and also which I created my previous portfolio website with), I rewrote it in vanilla HTML and CSS (which made sense) with a bit of JS for a bit of a challenge and also to kinda make it more authentic?

What I'm currently working on:

I'm currently working on AnonChat, a secure and anonymous chat app made with React and Firebase where messages and rooms auto delete in an hour, a machine learning project with Python and TensorFlow, and a 3 other projects related to my coursework at RIT.

Hritish's Portfolio

Hritish has 8 Projects. (Hover for More Information)